ONline GEAr enhancing Youth Work
“Ongea!” means “talk!” or “speak up!” in Kiswahili. The OnGea! project plans to create ONline GEAr to empower and enhance youth work activities; especially international youth exchanges and international networks of youth organisations.
In addition to the OnGea Website System, there will be an open source OnGea App, available for Android and iOS. The OnGea App will enable participants of youth events/exchanges to plan their arrival, keep track of the activity program, to get reminders of group meetings and more. It will have the same open multilingual system as the website.
The combination of OnGea Website System and OnGea App will allow organisations hosting youth events/exchanges or sending young people there to organise the mobilities, to exchange participant data, to export participant signature lists and to interface with certification tools such as the Youthpass and reporting tools such as the ERASMUS+ Mobility Tool.
The OnGea Website System and App will be tested by the project consortium in 2017 and published and shared in 2018.
OnGea is funded by the EU programme ERASMUS+ and coordinated by ROOTS & ROUTES Cologne e. V., project partners include: ROOTS & ROUTES International Association, Stichting ROOTS & Routes Netherlands, SMouTh Greece, Subjective Values Foundation Hungary, Brouhaha International Liverpool, Centro di Creazione e Cultura Italy, RiF France, Rutes i Origens Spain, Kaunas Cultural Centre of Various Nations Lithuania and SHARE Cluj-Napoca Romania.
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Related: Organisations

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ROOTS & ROUTES Cologne e. V. (RRCGN)
ROOTS & ROUTES Cologne e. V. (RRCGN) is a non-profit association that promotes cultural and social diversity in arts and media, strengthening of diversity conscious youth work as well as promotion of international exchanges and international youth mobility.

Centro di Creazione e Cultura
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Stichting ROOTS & ROUTES Netherlands
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Associació Rutes i Origens (RiO)
Rutes i Origens is a cultural association formalised in 2012, but active in the city of Barcelona since 2006 as a group of young artists from different backgrounds who wanted to set up a permanent dialogue on art and social engagement. Our main targets are youngsters at risk of exclusion and/or from deprived neighbourhoods. Our artistic strengths lie in the disciplines of dance, music and audiovisual media.

Subjective Values Foundation (SVF)
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Brouhaha International
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Rock’in Faches (RiF)
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EuroEst Youth Foundation
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Kaunas Cultural Centre of Various Nations
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