New Routes to Intercultural Creativity

The project “Art’n’Go – New Routes to Intercultural Creativity”, launched in Lille in September 2009 with the support of the CULTURE Programme of the European Union, gave young artists from 11 countries an opportunity to develop sustainable productions, and present and promote them in mainstream festivals.
In several workshops, seminars and a two-week residency at Remscheid Academy, Germany, a cluster of R&R best practice creative works representing the richness of cultural diversities within the ROOTS & ROUTES Network was created – the Art’n’Go productions:
  • About Traffic
  • Braincheck
  • Coloured Life
  • Ether Sides
  • My World
  • Reality in Disguise
  • Traces

These works were based on original proposals coming from some of the young artists who had worked together in previous ROOTS & ROUTES projects and had shown to be very motivated and active, and who now became authors, directors and managers of their work.

Between May and August 2011, these works were presented at various big festivals all over Europe, including Fabbrica Europa Festival in Florence/Italy and

Countries participating include Hungary, Romania, Italy, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Greece, Belgium and the UK.

One of the project’s main focus lied on the cultural dialogue between Eastern and Western Europe.
This is why the project was led by Sziget Kulturalis, the company behind the Sziget Festival held annually in August in Budapest,
having an increasing role of “bridge-builder” towards Eastern Europe within the R&R network.

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