Organising Artistic Self-Empowerment Spaces
In the OASES project, partners from 10 countries worked together on the question: How can youth encounters be designed to empower participants to unleash their creative potential; to create artworks in transnational collaboration around themes of shared meaning; and to effect change in their local environments and in a globalised world?
The OASES project brought together 6 member organisations of the international ROOTS & ROUTES network and 4 new partner organisations. Together they pooled a wide range of different experience in organising international youth events, artistic residencies and workshops.
In the first phase of the OASES project, we gathered experiences and good practices towards the goal formulated in the project title: How can we best organise artistic self-empowerment spaces for young people?
We worked to create frameworks in which artistic practices, exchanges between individuals, and self- and mutual empowerment can flourish.
In the second phase of the OASES project, we organised pilot projects in five countries of the consortium: International Youth Exchanges with four or more partner countries and an artistic/thematic focus.
In the final phase of the project, we shared and evaluated the results of the pilot projects and worked together on outcomes that can help both consortium members and external organisations interested in arts-based (international) youth work to deliver quality work in the future. In the process, quality criteria, guidelines, and tools for international youth work were developed.
OASES for Change is coordinated by ROOTS & ROUTES Cologne e. V. (Germany); partner organisations include Blues Derneği (Istanbul/Turkiye), Centro di Creazione e Cultura (Florence/Italy), Empreinte (Lille/France), Kaunas Cultural Centre of Various Nations (Kaunas/Lithuania), Royal Court Liverpool (UK), Stichting Lloydscompany (Rotterdam/The Netherlands), Street Dance Center (Salzburg/Austria), SMouTh – Synergy of Music Theatre (Larissa/Greece) and Subjective Values Foundation (Budapest/Hungary).
OASES for Change is funded by Erasmus+ as a Strategic Partnership in the Field of Youth.
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Streetdance Center Salzburg
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ROOTS & ROUTES Cologne e. V. (RRCGN)
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Centro di Creazione e Cultura
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