URV is a public university located in the city of Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain. The team involved in INPACT are members of the ASTERISC. Communication Research Group.
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Research carried out in the ASTERISC research group can be defined as a multidisciplinary approach to social communication through qualitative methodologies of audience-centred communication emphasizing innovation and transversality.

Our activities are characterized by:
· Transdisciplinarity, the competence of network thinking that enables an approach to complex realities over the limits of disciplines.
· Interdisciplinarity, the ability of acting in network where approximations, methodologies and technologies from different disciplines addressed to common objectives should coexist and where communication becomes the centre of it.

The Media and Cultural Studies tier of Asterisc aims to analyse media culture as main key in the communicative processes, taking into consideration the study of media communication in the framework of social, ideological and economic development (bearing in mind transversal dimensions such as genre, ethnic origin, age and class, as well as the role of media in the construction of identity elements); and the relation between cultural studies and media, what is known as film studies, critical studies on television and new media studies.

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