The aim of this meeting was to exchange experience between partners and test methods and training practices in view of building the R2E trans-national unified curriculum.
Participants were managers, trainers, peer coaches, advisors and SMartBe partners (SMart Netherlands and SMart Germany). The workshop lasted 5 days. On the agenda, there was a more thorough presentation of SMartBe and discussions with partners about: SMart’s services, tools, info sessions, training sessions on mobility for SMart advisors and on how to fix your prices for SMart members, SMart's online guidance sheets, training format of Meet&Connect, etc.
SMartDe (Germany) made a presentation about SMartDe’s mobility tools before discussing between R2E partners about “How to tackle mobility issues”. All partners considered the feasability conditions of a training module on transnational mobility for cultural workers. Concerning the exchanges of training practices, each R2E partner presented one of its training modules. Topics covered in this framework were: “Network & Context” (CCC), “Self-entrepreneurship” (RRIA), “Introduction to Project management” (Stichting R&R), “Workshop on funding diversification” (Brouhaha) and “Developing a project idea towards a funding application” (R&R DE).
SMartBe also organised a presentation of SMart’s office in Mons. This city, in the Walloon region in Belgium, was chosen because of his election as European Capital of Culture in 2015. This enabled R2E partners to visit 2 exhibitions (about work statuses in Belgium and installations in the street). Over there, they also met Philippe Franck from Transcultures asbl, a potential Belgian partner for training of cultural workers.
During the first year of the R2E project, SMartBe organised a training activity for two staff members of each partner organisations. The specific focus was on transnational mobility, one of the big challenges for cultural workers in Europe.
Related: Projects
Related: Organisations
SMart is a non-profit organisation created in Belgium in 1998 which is developing itself in 8 European countries. SMart aims to simplify and support the professional paths of creative and cultural workers. Their principal goal is to help the self-employed to develop their own activities through a secure system.